Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Choice

Here is a poem that I wrote, it's not very long. It's a free verse poem.

The Choice
by Faith Bush

She sat in a waiting room,
Confusing thoughts crowded her mind.
They told her it was unimportant and meaningless.
She did not want it, and yet, she did.
They urged her to let go, but something told her to hold on.
What should she do?
Would she always feel guilty if she let go?
She tried to hold back the tears.
The doctor called.
She had to decide.
What would she do?
It's life was in her hands.
Then, a movement.
She knew there was life.
Love overcame her.
She knew what to do.
She knew that this thing inside had meaning.
She was the only one who could save it.
It was hers.
It was real.
It was alive.


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