Friday, March 13, 2009


My family is leaving to go skiing in Colorado tomorrow! Yeah! I love skiing. The first time I ever went skiing I ran into a tree, but thankfully I've gotten a lot better since then.:) Last year was a lot of fun. I hope that when we get back it will be really warm in Texas. Right now it's in the 30's and raining. (It has been raining for days now.) Texas weather is insane. Just last week it was almost 90 degrees! Right now it feels more like January or December than the middle of March.



  1. Hi Faith! Didn't know you had a blog! Neat!

    Looks like we have similar reading interests...

    I've never been skiing - but it sounds really fun and I'd love to go sometime.


  2. How did the skiing go? If you're back yet...

    Glad you like my poem! And good luck on your English class! Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner - you've probably already written your poem! :) I'm not sure about advice, actually, or hints - I'm not that great. Sometimes its helpful to make a list of possible images for your theme and just try to describe them; and I always keep a thesaurus handy! I love synonyms! lol

